Iodine an age-old antibiotic for Respiratory Infections and as an Expectorant and Mucolytic

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Iodine was used extensively as an internal for over 100 years prior to the invention of antibiotics

The Iodine in Potassium iodide is a mineral needed in the diet to ensure that the thyroid works properly. Thyroid hormones play an important role in a wide range of bodily functions, including metabolism, bone health, immune response, and development of the central nervous system

I recommend the focused use of Lugols Iodine for its unique structure containing 5% elemental iodine and 25% potassium iodide

An inadequate dietary intake of iodine leads to insufficient production of thyroid hormones, which affects many parts of the body, particularly muscle, heart, liver, kidney and the developing brain. [1]

Breaks up mucus in the lungs and kills respiratory bacteria and virus

Potassium iodide has long been used by doctors as an expectorant in cases of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, or in pulmonary diseases in which anatomical changes impair expectoration, such as emphysema and cystic fibrosis. [2]

It acts as an “irritating” expectorant whose mechanism of action will occur by direct irritation of the glands of the respiratory mucosa. [3]

When used as an antibiotic at doses of less than 50mg, iodine destroys pathogenic bacteria yet it leaves the valuable probiotic gut flora intact – another built-in advantage of iodine therapy as opposed to regular antibiotics. [4] Iodine is also valuable for breaking down biofilms that cause antibiotic resistance in the first place. [4]

In addition, Potassium iodide can be used as an expectorant for treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, and iodine source in treatment of thyroid disorder. [5]


1) Journal List. Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J. v.7(3); 2007 DecPMC3074887.

2) Sweetman S. Martindale: the complete drug reference. United Kingdom: Pharmaceutical Press; 2009. pp. 2169–2170

3) Jonathan V. Wright, MD: The Tahoma Clinic. Iodide – One Mineral Can Help A Myriad Of Conditions From Atherosclerosis To “COPD” to Zits.

4) Paz S, et al. Iodine: An Essential Trace Element. Med J Clin Trials Case Stud 2018, 2(4): 000171.

5) Potassium Iodide Handling/Processing.

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